October To Do's

So much to be done already and so much to do before the month is up! 

A peek at what's to come! 


    DIY: Shiplap Planters & Privacy Screen

    Life Changing Books  

    Baby Must Have's

    Kid Shoe [Guide]

    Light Fixtures under $150 please

    Recap of Life During Quarantine - b/c that shit was/is crazy

    Sister's Wedding Recap 

See, Go & Do 

    Kansas City! My sister is getting married ! 

            I can't wait to show you her DRESS, my DRESS, the VENUE  

    Mike's mom is visiting from Wausua! 

            We haven't seen her since February--> Grandma snuggles are way overdue

    Halloween ! 

            Gah to plan costumes ! Last year we just took Leo to Target and he picked out both his and his sisters. I will most likely repeat this! The year before that I handmade Leo's costume - no time this year


    Figure out how to work this blog ;) 

    Launch a hair care line --- okay so I bought product from MONAT and I'm trying it out all month. I'll share my thoughts next month, but in the meantime... shameless plug if you want to try it- reach out ;) 

    Finish the Below Home Projects: 

            Laundry Room Shelf

            Shiplap Planters Boxes & Privacy Screen

            Something else is bound to come - stay tuned! 

Anyone else thrive on busy lists and things to do! What does everyone else have going on?




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